
how long is a moment?
A moment is an undefined amount of time. Think of circle. On a perfect circle, there is an infinite amount of points. That's how it is with moments too. No matter what frame you time you consider, there will always be an infinite amount of moments in it.

Read more: How long does a 'moment' last? Does the answer vary depending on whether or not you believe in the duality of body and soul? | Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/175338#ixzz0xihTjbEa
You are my only obsession
you are my only obsession
actually you are my 25th obsession
Yause I like licking dogs fingers


TODAY WE WENT TO A GERMAN LANGUAGE DAY. It was fuuuunnn And now lazy is writing boring jokes to herself.

Im going to write a story now:

Once upon a time there was a bear that liked to sing then he ate a magig apple and his voice became really great and he becamwe famous but then his evil fairy godmother came and gave him a BANANA and then his voice was normal and the bear was happy goodbye the end
Yhe Elephantbananas are baaaack!!!! :DD

They have been to a german DEMONSTRATION. Now all of Elephantbananaland has to speak german. And if they take warm showers they have to go to the dungeon and listen to sneezing noises.

but thats not all
cause you know they met this emo chick last night. and no im not talking about chick as in "chick or dude" but like a chick from a chicken. tho it was a girl chick so well just call her chick from now on and you can take it either way :D
awesome right?
anyway that emo chick taught them how to write poems like:
my brain
doesnt know
the pain of the rain
but everything else takes it in
as though i have a million sins
im a sinner dont forget
or the rain will make you wet
bring on the rain
bring on the pain
emo is your gain
lets all be emo
cause emo is cool
now adays
i spelled that wrong
you could write spelled as spelt and it would be right
about that

life is like a butterknife
when it falls the butter gets dirty.
dirty but not in a flirty
or is it?

poem by lazy
rap song!

yo im sittin in the library
and i saw something that was kinda scary
people are making out with each other
by the way you could call the brother
which means
they are both dudes
oh yea screw youuu
what the banana
i dont