
Hey, so ... theres a new makeup called LAYERO which you can layer on as much as you want and change the profile of the face! You can also have much fuller lips !


WHAT now its back to 50 secs O_O
how am i doing this so quickly=? omg 50 secs left!


i never really write on the blog when im home its usually on the library computers only

2 min and 30 sec

2 min and 30 sec left to be on the library computer



so yeah i just wrote a looong post and now it disappeared :/ maybe its a sign! that this post will be better! ...yeah

anyway, I can't be bothered to repeat everything I just wrote. I dont know, it would feel FAKE.
sorry, IM TIRED
yeah, I'm apologizing to a computer.
Well not really, after all someone might read this.
Okay, im dragging this out too far...

SOOO I wanna see the movie "easy a"
it looks interesting (ok i havent seen a trailer but Plia has!)


Hey,hey,hey. The air is crisp.crispy.
like donuts
theyre not crispy
crispy like leaves
crispy like frosty leaves
shit. i have to open somethng!


The air is getting colder... and its raining..
and take your umbrella!!

well i always forget to do that so ive been soaked to the bone hundreds of times these past days... :/



i dont really like writing about my personal life to the monkeys out there. they misghty
but i do like to talk about my nails.

mine are1 01
lazys are 101BLAAAAANK
i got this sally hansen nail art pen and it rocks but my sis keeps stealing it and drawing on her legs with it... PERSONAL LIFE STORY RIGHT THEERERERERER EHARHEAIr

were in the library again but theres no drunk man to kep us company :((
only weird asians
one of them might be


Today i bought a duck.

We tried to call him again but his phone was off. Or then he was too drunk to say the numbers correctly.
Ah well
I had pure rush.
In other words i am really hyper and at the stage where everything seems funny

I saw a movie with my frenchclass. Well, with 2 people from my frenchclass and the teacher. It was really weird, about mummies and dragons and people with had hairpins through their forehead. Its called Les aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec
if that makes any sense to you.


i like big butts and i can... *cough cough* I MEAN BUTTER!! i like big BUTTER and i can not lie!
o_o im tired

Weird drunk man in the library

What's up
Burn in hell???
We had the worst maths exam ever today's
A drunk guy is talking 2 us about x- men in the library
I think he fell asleep. Shikoku what this iPod is weirdfff how did the drunk dude k now where were from???d
Apareny its reeeeally cool and sheds eeeea and I
Ena and he's ilmari and amarican sand he's asking us out.
God this is weird !!!!!!
Then he asked us out to have dinner at some Japanese restaurant and now we have his number
And he kept asking us what his german friends name was.


I woder if he'd recognise us if we called.



blog poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooost.
now there's 101 posts.


how long is a moment?
A moment is an undefined amount of time. Think of circle. On a perfect circle, there is an infinite amount of points. That's how it is with moments too. No matter what frame you time you consider, there will always be an infinite amount of moments in it.

Read more: How long does a 'moment' last? Does the answer vary depending on whether or not you believe in the duality of body and soul? | Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/175338#ixzz0xihTjbEa
You are my only obsession
you are my only obsession
actually you are my 25th obsession
Yause I like licking dogs fingers


TODAY WE WENT TO A GERMAN LANGUAGE DAY. It was fuuuunnn And now lazy is writing boring jokes to herself.

Im going to write a story now:

Once upon a time there was a bear that liked to sing then he ate a magig apple and his voice became really great and he becamwe famous but then his evil fairy godmother came and gave him a BANANA and then his voice was normal and the bear was happy goodbye the end
Yhe Elephantbananas are baaaack!!!! :DD

They have been to a german DEMONSTRATION. Now all of Elephantbananaland has to speak german. And if they take warm showers they have to go to the dungeon and listen to sneezing noises.

but thats not all
cause you know they met this emo chick last night. and no im not talking about chick as in "chick or dude" but like a chick from a chicken. tho it was a girl chick so well just call her chick from now on and you can take it either way :D
awesome right?
anyway that emo chick taught them how to write poems like:
my brain
doesnt know
the pain of the rain
but everything else takes it in
as though i have a million sins
im a sinner dont forget
or the rain will make you wet
bring on the rain
bring on the pain
emo is your gain
lets all be emo
cause emo is cool
now adays
i spelled that wrong
you could write spelled as spelt and it would be right
about that

life is like a butterknife
when it falls the butter gets dirty.
dirty but not in a flirty
or is it?

poem by lazy
rap song!

yo im sittin in the library
and i saw something that was kinda scary
people are making out with each other
by the way you could call the brother
which means
they are both dudes
oh yea screw youuu
what the banana
i dont


burn in hell?

We want to inform you about our elephantbananas new friends, O and J.

Here is a picture of them
Oh and by the way elephants have trunks


sticky sunglasses! :)

These will look very stylish with your sticky sandals!!! :D

Sorry i didnt have the patience to draw it properly so i its kinda messy...

Sticky sandals

Sticky sandals!!

Shoes which stick to your feet with glue....hmmm....

Personally i find the thought of gluing shoes to my feet a little strange.




Pon and Zi :)
they are made by Azuzephre


wow lazy you are so boring... XD

is your dad still stck? I dont know if my dads will be able to come back the way he planned...

did you remember to wear the tree shirt?? Srry i was sick



i feel happy today
but sad too cause the ash cloud thing is on top of us and the news people are saying itll be a cold summer.... :S
i dont have much on my mind right now.

Hello kitty

Hello :)
burn in hell? (dont be offended, read our elephantbananaish vocabulary)

I just found my dream car.
Its hello kitty and has DUCKS on it!!! :DDDD
On hello kitty hell, you can find some really awesome hello kitty things. But dont ask the owner of te blog where to buy the things because he gets offended and angry.

There are really creepy things on the site too though

the car <3

ok i agree this is VERY pink

there are really many hello kitty things. Visit hello kitty hell for the weird things


a really fun game. (for u, viiviian)

Hello people :)
Today is hullut päivät!

We are going to take our elephantbananas shpping!!


And we are also taking their friend, bubbles!!!
Later youcan delight yourself looking at our delightfully delightfull photos.

Now here is a really fun game:

(you might want to play it with a friend or else you might feel kinda mental and people will think you are)

Ok, so you sit in the front row in the bus (has 2 b front row) and then you either pretend to be hyperactive and completely mental, or act dead.
Especially the older people think this is very amusing.
I suggest you ask your granopa to come play with you
If the bussdriver or anyone else starts to stare at you check if u have a not on your back and if you dont they are just admiring your hair.

We are very wise, we know these kinda things.
we KNOW things.
Wre supernaturals
i bet your jealous.
Maby one day we wiöll tell u hw to be supernatural.

But now lazy is being weird and hiding from me.

i mean the store...

finnish pauli franki

Hello, FANS!!! :DDD

Pauli Franki
the finnish version of paul frnk!!!


noo we spent so much time on the pictures and the random shit :p


maybe we should just delete this blog..



once upon a time there was a magical princess. she lived in her bubble under the sea.

she was so magical she could make monkeys fly and unicorns change colour. one day someone sttole her bubble and kidnapped it to neptune.


No itf not what you think
Oh well maybe
It if caufe
Fomething might be wrong with me
Everybody if

In my head

Maybe i fhould see a therapift
Yef, i fhould

Haha, thif if weird
Everyone if
Difcuffing ftuff in my head!



thats weird because i checked my phone and it said ihave no msgs
i checked it a while ago tho
but not that long ago
maybe its doing that stupid network thing



I think Lazys phone is broken. I sent her 4 messages.
Have you ever googled "strange laws"? You should.

It is illegal to transport an ice cream cone in your pocket.
No children may attend school with their breath smelling of "wild onions."
it is illegal to eat a donut while walking backwards on a street
If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee
has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.
No man may purchase alcohol without written consent from his wife.

Some might not be true but i think most of them are.

what a shame. Fishing is so much funner in the toilet.



This is shaun the number two sheep!!!
Oh yeah.
lazy write something about his sheer awesomeness
"He is indeed a very well-known figure which reflects the facts of the loyalty and kindness of sheep. Since 1932, people all over the planet have been deeply amazed and touched by this quality of life in such an innocent form. As the sheep are known for being vulnerable (posed in stories such as "The Big Bad Wolf" and "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"), people tend to be calm and nice to them. However, some stories seem to proclaim that sheep may prefer living as individuals, though it is general knowledge that sheep live in packs and would be lost without the pack. This also applies to wolves, which is disturbingly ignored in many stories, especially children's fairytales."- Dr.Mubeler from the Network of Awesomesheep inc. (actually it was lazy... so if there REALLY is a "Dr.mubeler" from a "Network of Awesomesheep Inc.", please dont sue us :) )
When i grow up, i will become suction
and lazy a lad

we did that game where you ask a questtion and open a random page in a dictionary to find your answer

1. Wax the ceiling
2. Buy cheese
3. Drop your cat from a high place, to see if it really does land on all four feet
4. Repeat above until failure
5. Load Snood onto a friend’s computer
6. Sharpen your teeth
7. Do the magician “saw a box trick” with your sister
8. Wash behind your ears
9. Clean and polish your belly button
10. Ask people if they want to see your “belly button treasure”
11. Wash a tree
12. Flirt with an evergreen
13. Find a male
14. Mail him
15. Knight yourself and some close friends
16. Complain about your nose hurting
17. Give your cat a Mohawk
18. Purr
19. Mow your carpet
20. Rake your carpet (to clean up the clippings, of course)
21. Whine
22. Play all your cds backwards
23. See if any of them say anything scary
24. Dress up in a cow suit… go to the supermarket
25. Moo
26. Play with matches
27. Buff your cat
28. Raise professional racing llamas
29. Join debate and agree with everyone
30. Dial-a-prayer and argue
31. Read homer in the original Greek
32. Learn Greek
33. Change your mind
34. Change it back
35. Change your major
36. Ask a question
37. Answer it
38. Paint your windows
39. Flash your goldfish
40. Paint
41. Smile
42. Paint a smile
43. Shoot at a toaster
44. Apologize to it
45. See if you really can build a small nuclear device in your basement
46. Rotate your garden…daily
47. Plant a shoe
48. Water it
49. Sweat
50. Give an ink blot test to your gerbil
51. Take apart the toaster and microwave
52. Mix and match the parts
53. Turn your TV upside down
54. Take an ant for a walk
55. Take your aunt for a walk
56. Sell dirty socks
57. Start
58. Stop
59. Dial 911and breathe heavily
60. Go to a funeral and tell jokes
61. Put lighted exit signs on all your closets
62. Carry a tune
63. Drop it, see if it breaks
64. Starch your underwear
65. Contemplate a cockroach
66. Get a bug to chase your car
67. Let him catch it
68. Start a club
69. Make everyone who joined pay dues, then call it stupid and quit
70. Wear a salad
71. Ride a loaf of bread
72. Annoy yourself
73. Get angry with yourself
74. Stop speaking to yourself
75. Kiss and make up with yourself
76. Stand on your head
77. Stand on someone else’s head
78. Learn everything there is to know about the three toed sloth
79. Laugh at teacher’s puns
80. Build a pyramid
81. Paint your teeth
82. Climb a sidewalk
83. Speak with a lisp
84. MAKE a drive in window at the dairy-queen
85. Walk on water, but DON’T get caught
86. Shave a shrub
87. Have a proton fight
88. Watch a home movie and make fun of yourself as a kid
89. Quiver
90. Learn to type with your toes
91. Recite romantic poetry to your washing machine
92. Buy the Eiffel tower
93. Mail it to a friend
94. Make them pay the postage
95. Be in the wrong place at the right time
96. Be someone special
97. Plot the overthrow of your local school board
98. Request covert assistance from the CIA
99. Factor your social security number
100. Read the 1962 Los Angeles white pages
101. Plead the fifth
102. Plead the sixth
103. Plead the 8,003rd
104. Learn to read Sanskrit
105. Learn to write Sanskrit
106. Exist… existentially of course
107. Search for buried treasure… in Idaho
108. Hot wax the bottom of your professor’s shoes
109. Print counterfeit confederate money
110. Kick a cabbage
111. Say you’re sorry
112. Take a picture
113. Put it back
114. Sand a mushroom
115. Find the heat capacity of your science professor
116. Play solitaire for cash
117. Abuse your patio furniture
118. Run for Pope
119. If you don’t win, run for God
120. If you still don’t win, run for mayor of Idaho
121. Try harder
122. Write a book about life, call it death
123. Make a quilt of used napkins
124. Revert
125. Sleep on a bed of nails
126. Don’t toss and turn
127. Think shallow thoughts
128. Drown in them
129. Have your favorite sock bronzed
130. Boil ice cream
131. Blast pop music through town
132. Carve your boyfriendgirlfriendcrushes’ initials in a marshmallow
133. Speak in acronyms
134. Drive the speed limit, in your garage
135. Make a schematic drawing of a rock
136. Become a rabid Pog fan
137. Sing the national anthem during your English final
138. Pay off the national debt, with a bad check
139. Calmly have a nervous breakdown
140. Give your goldfish a perm
141. Paint your home bright orange
142. Play tag on I5
143. Find the nearest nowhere and go there
144. Exorcize a ghost
145. Go to a cemetery and verbally abuse dead people
146. Paint stripes on a lake
147. Two words… Hot Dog
148. Explain random theories
149. Test thin ice with a pogo stick
150. Apply for a unicorn hunting license
151. Defend your neighborhood from flesh eating robots
152. Do a good job
153. Crawl
154. Be a side affect
155. Be a front defect
156. Play hockey with your little cousin… as the puck
157. Duck
158. Goose
159. Play duck duck goose
160. Join the army; be someone simple
161. Think like a zebra
162. Hit the deck
163. Cut the deck
164. Swab the deck
165. Put leg warmers on your furniture
166. Be number six
167. Sit
168. Stay
169. Roll over
170. Play dead
171. Shake
172. Rattle and roll
173. Be a Rock n Roll star
174. Roll stones
175. Pick up sticks
176. Play a game of giant pickup stix with pool cues
177. Be Polish
178. Be Canadian
179. Be Idahodian
180. Donate your room mate’s body to science
181. Watch the Wonder Years
182. Wonder
183. Give someone a kiss on the lips… in the middle of class… that hates you
184. Be a square root
185. Park your car with a “friend”
186. Park your car with a group of “friends”
187. Ask stupid questions
188. Answer them
189. Spew
190. Say “moist”
191. Put a stick on the sidewalk
192. Laugh when someone trips
193. Laugh REALLY REALLY hard if they break a bone
194. Solve the population problem i.e. x +2y-16x = population
195. Contribute to the population problem
196. Interview a member of the opposite sex
197. Ask embarrassing questions
198. Go to a drive-in movie in a tank
199. Go to a non-drive-in movie in a tank and drive in anyway
200. Crumble
201. Crumple
202. Make up a new language
203. Use it often
204. Be stupid for a day
205. Do aerobics...in your head
206. Play cards with your swimming pool
207. Bother a sibling, profusely
208. Send your iguana to obedience school
209. Pinstripe your driveway
210. Play "Kick the fire-hydrant"
211. Chipmunk power
212. Free the oppressed toaster-ovens of America
213. Free the obsessed toaster-ovens of America
214. Mug a stop sign
215. Join your local AA meetings
216. Go for a walk in the attic
217. Challenge the neighbor kid to duel
218. Find a witch
219. Burn her
220. Regress
221. Find out how many ways there really are to skin a cat
222. Go bow hunting for Toyotas
223. Kidnap Cabbage Patch Kids
224. Boldly go where no man has gone before
225. Jump back
226. Play to lose
227. Snort
228. Be a threat to the American way of life
229. Be a threat to the Northwest Tibetan way of life
230. Re-establish the Roman Empire in Wyoming
231. Have your car painted plaid
232. Found the TLO (Tomato Liberation Organization)
233. Play nuclear chicken with a small third world nation
234. Cockfight turnips
235. Give your grandmother a raise...and another week paid vacation
236. Sharpen your sleeping skills
237. Put out a fire
238. If you can't find one make one
239. Ionize your new chemistry professor (you took the heat capacity of the first one)
240. Make a life-sized replica of the Statue of Liberty...out of grape Jell-O
241. Tree a goldfish
242. Get a college education
243. Bury your father’s dodge
244. Tell him your the dog did it
245. Catch a falling star
246. Throw it back
247. Place your cat in hyperspace
248. Again tell your dad the dog did it
249. Throw a sleepover
250. Catch it
251. Talk to people who are half asleep (What do you really think about me?”)
252. Install handicapped access to the {your favorite pathetic baseball team's} dugout
253. Provide a reason to everyone why they should love you
254. Prove once and for all that a cow can jump over the moon
255. Complain to God that Jupiter has more moons than we do
256. Blow spit bubbles
257. Become a Hermit on your front lawn (works best if you live on a main road!)
258. Find pepper and dust and break the world record of sneezes
259. Attack the annoying Microsoft-word cat with your mouse cursor
260. Have a starring contest with the aforementioned
261. Have a Weezer marathon…
262. …Then play MSI
263. Build a house on the Sims and name the people Mr. and Mrs. (crush name here)
264. Wiggle your leg
265. Smile all day for a day
266. Count to a million as fast as you can
267. Write my PNW report for me
268. Bark at your dog
269. Bark at your mom
270. Bark at people in the grocery store
271. Eat bark (tree bark)
272. Bark at the tree
273. Mark your territory
274. Go for a walk
275. Go for a run
276. Hop up and down
277. Just hop up
278. Hope
279. Send fan mail to bob hope
280. Send hate mail to bob hope (Use same name^)
281. Go to Cali and leave mail for Blink 182 at the local taco bell in San Diego
282. Talk back to the radio [play that funky music white boy…] “what kinda music?”
283. Play funky music
284. Smell EVERYTHING you come across
285. Grease every door hinge in the house, then yell at people for slamming doors
286. Unplug the phone and plug it in and unplug it and plug it in and unplug…
287. Organize your sock drawer
288. Go to a Swing dance and do the hokey-pokey
289. Do the hokey-pokey at 3 am
290. Talk to squirrels (squeaker squeaking squeakity?)
291. Love to hate
292. Hate to love
293. Give
294. Take back
295. Call yourself an Indian giver
296. Learn to play the harmonica (NOO)
297. Write a song
298. Sing it
299. Record it
300. Listen to yourself, realize you suck and throw it out
301. Make a collage of eyes taped to your wall
302. When you have people over ask them if they ever feel like they are being watched
303. Laugh
304. Snicker
305. Eat snickers
306. Eat Cadbury chocolate from Ireland
307. Make a crown
308. Wear it
309. Insist everyone calls you “Your highness”
310. Chew on a lollipop stick
311. Get all mixed up
312. Don’t know what to do
313. Put yourself back together
314. Memorize pi
315. Memorize pie
316. Eat pie
317. Get a stuffed animal that’s a lamb
318. Name it Bunny
319. Build floatation devices for rodents during monsoon season
320. Polish golf balls for a living
321. Defy gravity
322. Obey gravity
323. Yell at gravity
324. Hit some hay
325. Repent for doing that
326. Cross your legs
327. Uncross them
328. Make a Christmas wish list in July
329. Get Sonny Kobe Cook’s autograph
330. Write a poem about eyebrows
331. Make an interpretative dance to the comet song
332. Perform it in front of relatives
333. Stare at yourself
334. Stare back
335. Stare in general
336. Speak Yiddish
337. Learn to speak Yiddish
338. Go Amish
339. Recruit friends
340. Sew your own clothes
341. Learn Korean and speak back to nail ladies
342. Tell me what they are saying!
343. Play strip poker with college students
344. Ask people how to pronounce their name
345. Pick the fuzz balls off hotel blankets
346. Collect hotel blankets
347. Collect hotel keys
348. Write calligraphy messages to your friends
349. Play mental Tic-tac-toe
350. Play mental hopscotch
351. Play mental
352. Play



Christinas throat hurts....... D: ouchhhhhhhh

i guess were all in the same throatboat together now, huh ?

I know its sad but your just gonna have to get over the fact that meatball subways cant be eaten without a mess.


Okay so we are gonna tell u our REAL NAMES NOW!!!!!!!!!

its kinda weird, calling ourselves plea and lazy... becaues other people might be totally confused of what we are talking about

So here is Pleas REAL name... LOLA!
And here is Lazys real name.... CHRISTINA!

so yeah now u wont suffer in ur total confusion
okay so we are in the library
omg lazy ure like so stupid biaaatch
And now i0 will0 FOR´CE la2zyla2zy t2o2 wr2ite

hello. are you alive?

that was the advertisement for diesel, like, two years ago.

r u with me dudes?
like, are u ?

cause like, im wayyy rudabega for u dude
rudabega is like rude, ya know what i mean?
dude, im like totally awesome.

okn that was lazylazy. As a thankyou for her very awesome report we will change 4her name back to Lazyas
goe5s Lazy!
just kidding.
We are 2in the 2libra2ry a2nd LAZY IAS ANOYING M E


a new world record and more random pictures

The world record is lazyness and the proud person that made it is lazy.

Lazy has become so lazy that to describe her as lazy is an overstatement. Maby her name should be lazylazy. Any suggestions?

I am ill and cant go to kuppita for athletics lesson.
So i am going to post random pictures

my duck. In the train to Helsinki last week

german lesson



im doing something...
called studying for a math project. fun huh?



Plia is back! From sweden!!!! And she bought something really awesome. It was so nice in Stockholm i wish i could have stayed longer.
What did Lazy do?
And the best thing is that my extremely old gerbil survived! :DDD
And now im back in this boring country, not even my brother is here to annoy me! I have nothing better to do than take photos outside and post random pics on a blog.
Sounds fun, huh?
see the little hearts?
lazys adorable dog gianni

Bye-Bye little brother


fly high like paper planes

although paper planes usually fly quite low

please please send me a text- like where should you put a noisy dog? in a barking lot.

woof woof that was funny.mmm not really.

im so tired of school. and stupid math projects


Lazy is getting lazier


Lazys answers

These questions are random and the answers are found on wikipedias random article button.

What are you afraid of?
The age of Plastic.

What would you want for a wedding present?
Bert Hall

Whats outside your window?
Anita Björk

Whats hiding under your bed?
Hobby accessible ( the car)

What will your last words be?
Glossogobius Intermedius

What is your grandmas secret obsession?
Aibi Lake

What would you like to kiss?
Chin-Hsien Chang

What will you become when youre older?
Peter David Edstrom

Where will you be tomorrow?
Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center

What will you dream of tonight?
Pikowai (the beach)

Your biggest secret?
Carver County (Minnesota)

What makes you laugh?
George Musser

What makes you cry?
Teslin is a synthetic printed medium.

What will you get buried with?
Bryozoa, the fossilized creature or whatever...

Where or how will you die?
Strassner Editing Systems will kill me according to wiki.

What will kill you?
Contra (video game )

What is your favorite thing to smell?
Xavier Murel

What do you like to touch?
The List of Architects from Romania

What were your first words?
Just a collection of antiques and curios
we have to write some stupid thing about some stupid project which our math teacher hasnt explained properly and she expects us to do all this stupid stuff which we cant do because its I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E!!!!

has anyone else got annoying teachers ?
say that
you do


lazy hasnt written in ages



Broccoli Milkshake

We have competition!

The awesome blog brokkolina.blogg.no!

Oh noooo!!!

She has gotten a recipe for broccoli milkshake too.
But no worries, ours is much btter. AND elephantbananas likew it. So there, we rule.


3 balls of ben&Jerries Chunky Munkey icecream
1 cup of organic organs (If you cant find any, you can use 2 scissors chopped into microscopic pieces)
9 GREEN broccolis. If they have pink dots thats ok too
3 Bananas (haha brokkolina had only one!!!! INYOUR FACE!)
1 mushroom. The prettiest one you can find
a hair
2 recees peanutbuttercups
15 dl sugar

1. First, blend the bushroom and the broccolis together. Put them in a cold place for 30 minutes
2. Blend the rest, except for sugar, together and boil in a Fryingpan
3. Put the boiled and frozen in a bowl. Add sugar.
4. Enjoy! :D

please give us your feedback



3425335235 . 2122112 SECONDS.
342533234.2122112 SECONDS



This Post is dedicated to Broccoli (and rudi)

Because broccoli is so...fascinating!
If you dont like eating broccoli, do not give up on it. There are so many fun things to do with broccoli!
1. You can make a broccoli forest
2. Try out Yummy recipes with broccoli and give them to your parents! I am sure your grandma would be interested in trying some broccolimilkshake!Its VERY original.
3. Stick it in your ear! Its like in charlie the unicorns banana song. Broccoli in your ears makes you happy, because you dont know whats going on so you dont have to worry! :D
4. Dress up several broccolis, and make a movie! Starring.... The broccolis!!

I g2g if im bored or hyper later i might write more.

why would you think that`?

title says it all
im so stupid
People must think i act like a selfobsessed ignorant bitch
who the hell invented shyness????


Cleo and Barb are annoyed

Cleo and Barb are quite annoyed because they are feeling a bit jealous,
you see we just added all these "sidebar pets" and its quite annoying for them because we havent written about them in ages!
Also, Bubblegum and Cloud have been taking most of our attention, them being so new to the family and not quite used to living with us yet.



I want to tell you about a great invention: the rubberduck.
There are great things you can do with a rubberduck. You can take an entertaning bath wth it. Or you can colect rubberducks. There are really awesome ones from bud, designroom.

Whenever i go to a different country, i take out my rubberduck and take a photo.


There is this realy awesome new billy bookshelf from IKEA. Its white and has doodles and shakespear phrases on it. The writing casn be in red, black and green. Its only 38 euros.
Lazy has it
Plia cant decide if she should buy it today or not


A list of things that make me alive:
  1. A cool summer breeze.
  2. Jumping off a swing into the snow while taking a picture with a friend
  3. eating ben and jerries
  4. lying on the ground listening to music
  5. waterfights
  6. balloons
  7. snow patrol
  8. munich
  9. travel
  10. swimming
  11. the feeling you get when u know u dont have to stress about anything
  12. blowing bubbles
  13. walking in the sand (barefoot)
  14. taking a shower
  15. sleeping
  16. laughing
  17. crying
  18. singing
  19. dancing
  20. trying to do this twisty thing but then miserably failing at it
  21. painting nails
  22. drawing
  23. painting
  24. writing
  25. running
  26. hugging bananas
  27. jumping off a diving board
  28. snow
  29. the air in the winter
  30. when u think youre falling in a dream and then you wake up and realize it was just a dream
  31. seeing people bunjee jump
  32. asking people directions
  33. drinking a smoothie
  34. with a friend
  35. with an elevator
  36. behind us
  37. music
  38. music
  39. music
  40. talking
  41. throwing a snowball
  42. the sound that comes when u bite an apple
  43. carrot cake
  44. birthdays
  45. marriages
  46. new years
  47. christmases
  48. holidays
  49. movies
  50. making a list like this.

plea can u make 50 more?

I find it weird that

... Madonnas Boyfriends name is Jesus
... I am still in my pyjamas
... People show themselves naked to strangers on the internet
... Some people dont care at all about others
... some people want to kill themselves
... my pillow is orange
... my nails are orange
... im doing this
... you have read this
Plea is wondering f lazy could come shoppng and after to a sleepover at Pleas house

Lazy would like to but lazys moms bday is tmrw


elephants got plastic surgery

OMG im writing in turquise!
today, we found a new version of elephantbananas. Their relations to bananas are VERY distant. But very close to Elephants. Unfortunately, we had a little car accident (We, lazy ass and Plia were not in it) and the elephantbananas needed a plastic surgery. We got botox, when were already there.
So now theire kinda...plastic....and for some reason have bath foam inside.

Their names are bubblegum and cloud.
sorry the pics are a little dark...


TEAM: Together Everyone Acheives (ieves?) More!!!!!!!!

thats the spirit



Bingo, people!
We have not written much about Elephantbananas in the last few days.
This is because they are hibernating.
We do not know yet how long they will sleep. Something between 1-3 weeks.
We will post some pics of them sleeping later on

Have you bought those shoes yet?

Random pics

these are pictures we took. They are not edited. It may be hard to believe, but we are not professional photographeers. Weird, huh?

the awesome monkey is plias lover. Sorry to disapoint you.
And the duck is lazy asses
the eye is picnicked. It is plias eye. Its green in real life, too! And we ARE creatures from this planet!
wow it took so long to put those photos there!!!
i hope someone actually looks at them and COMMENTSfeet are actually taken when swinging. In the snow. At about -10 degrees. Our feet were kinda wet after that...XD

Plia is hyper

Yes, Plia was doing sports and is VERY proud that lazy ass wrote so much on the blog :)
Plia was very hyper today. And she got even more hyper when she got the permission to HAVE PIANO LESSONS!!!!!
Plia is happy.
I have always wanted to play the piano!

Today and yesterday, you could use all the premium stuff on picnic which is reeeeally great. I love picnick, its a really good and free photoeditingpage.
I edited as many photos as i could.
I might post some.But only the ones where im not on it

see i wasnt lying there is a poem here

A drop of saltwater
Falls on the soaked pillowcase
Followed by a stream of its kind
This tragedy is never-ending
What would they say
If they knew

i shall change the blog layout

im getting kind of bored of all this yellowness.
lets see what happens :D

lazy ass is tired and lazy

while plia is out doing sports lazy ass is sitting at home because lazy ass is exhausted.


anyway, today wasnt as cold as before. same temperature as yesterday. but its really windy so walking home was kind of annoying.

i got some candy on the way home
this sour stuff.

tomorrow lazy ass and plia are dancing.
to music.
or then it might be something like relaxing. or yoga stuff
we have a cool dancing teacher.

jumping is fun.



We are sitting here wearing pyjama pants because we just came from outside where we got really wet. Cause theres snow and we were taking pics there.
Bananas doesn't have pyjamas. He is our stuffed Monkey.
Actually hes *beeps*. Don't write that.

Sorry about that. its already 19:44 a.k.a 7:30 p.m.


Bouncy ass says: i know lets make codenames for everyone
Lazy ass says: Youre bouncy ass
Bouncy ass says: No im... im... Plea
Lazy ass sais: I wrote plea because i didnt want to write Plia.
*sound of *beep* walking down the stairs*
*sound of plia making a freaky noise*

Lazy ass says: Wasn't your name Bouncy ass???
Plia sais: Stop interrupting! My name is

Hope that makes sence
a bananas monkey is 4

the math teacher



i guess you dont want to hear about my nose
so lets get down to business
there is a small competition

You have to send us a picture of a bananaelephant. Even if you have never even heard of this blog, please join!!!

As a reward you will get to see some amazing picture which we have taken (lol)

Just send it to us by email and we will reply.
please join !1!1! (i really dont get why people do that thing.

seeeeeeeeeeeeee yer

would she....?

WOULD she be freaked out if i called her and asked her if i could date the history teacher

Finally lazy ass is here

the large and bouncy lazy ass is here now
she is kind of annoyed now
there will be no more posts unless the lazy other owner of this blog picks up their lazy ass and writes something.


What to do when your elephantbanana is bored

This is very serious! It is terrible to be bored, so here are fun tips for you and your bananaelephant:

1. Let your elephantbanana take pictures of you while you are jumping up, or jumping from somewhere.

2. There is this really great webpage called foldingtrees. The adress: http://foldingtrees.com/
There are great craft ideas to try out.

3. comment on our blog!

4. Draw. Elephantbananas love drawig faces and trees

Do you have any ideas?



we thought we really have to give you an update of SHOES. So we went to town, looked in every single shop and found the awesomest of the awesomest shoes for you to buy!!!!!!

they are converse, which unfortunately means they are not cheap. But maby you can find a cheaper kind which looks just like this, and then you can buy two pairs and combine them like we so very awesomely did.


Chocolate pancakes for our elephant bananas

If you have an ellephantbanana, it is very important that you make correct breakfast for it.
The most important thing is chocolatepancakes.
If i put the recipe here probably no one is going to try it anyway, so just google it.

ok we didnt actually make those, that pic is from google. we didnt want to be like annoying perfectionists. so the ones below are the ones we actually made. We could have made them way better that the google pic though!

how NOT to make chocolatepancakes:

we went to indonesia with barbara and cleo

We went on a holiday to indonesia with our elephantbananas!!
it was fun
We got bikinis for them, and B&J icecream of cause

by the way, we wanted to inform you about the breakfast that elephantbananas have.

they usually eat carrotcake cereal, or toast with ben and jerries nutella or CHOCOLATE PANCAKES. We will be telling you how to maake chocolate pancakes soon.


George bush wears wolley socks and he burns in hell


moneyyyyyy rthrue


Hotel rooms are dangerous

If you have an elephantbanana, let it sleep now

An elephantbanana may never sleep before 1:36.8

You have to dance with your elephantbananna frpm 7.00 to 1.36 so it gets tired.

You should read it a story for another houer to make sure it sleeps well!!!

Good night!!!

P.S. Never pull a muscle!

By the way both are like hotel rooms :D :D :D :D


Guess what some people talük top themseöäplves al day and -press# raandom buttens when youre tryinpg IT&O TYPEE

tODAY; we found some very awesomely awesome YELLOW BANANACONVER?=SE

ufortunately they were onot o+ur siöze so we had to wwear the lighta ones AYSS .:((((((

Burn in hell?!?
I#m so so so sorry we akjdsfl havent written in HERE IN A WHILE NOW CAUSE ITS 1 am!


go eat truly splashy
yumm poools ae cool
go to aeeww
WHY=!!!!!!! EGUALS
eagles are made of purple shit
its very smelly + comes from bannaaanananaelephants that sing songs
like bitchney ears
or lady blahblah
or madmomma
or gaylord lift


Burn in hell?

"Little kids and big kids are fascinated by elephants. In a zoo, in the circus, or a wildlife special on television, elephants captivate us by their sheer size. Today is your chance to let them see that you appreciate them. Showing your appreciation for them starts with a visit to your local zoo. They will be happy to see you. Making a donation towards their support, is a great way to show your appreciation."

This is a paragraph taken from the annual elephant appreciation day website.
Please go and visit it .

The official date of the annual elephant appreciation day is on the 22nd September!!!

The elephantbanana dictionary

Bingo. I know we haven't told you this before, but there is actually a language that elephantbananas use. Here are the most common words used in elephantbananian so we decided to help you out by letting you know what they are in elephantbananian.
Burn in hell, readers?
We have been tannenbaum great!
Just had some B&J :)

Bad: Hilarious
Nice: Wiggly
Park: Woof
Today: RubberDuck
Hello: bingo
How are you: burn in hell
Carrotcake: pickles
Necktie: fringe
totally: tannenbaum
BANANA: mashed potatoes
woolen socks: OMG TELETUBIES
hairspray: kola peninsula
yellow: wolley
ELEPHANT: dingdong
boring: IKEA
ben&Jerries: B&J
arnolds: van 2
i like your shirt: the mousepad is mean
Paul Sabo: Yuggs
Thomas Frank: Suggy


Paul Sabo

is one of the hottest elephantbanana clothing designers available. Barbara and Cleopatra have been BEGGING us for some oof his clothes.